Lavender Blackberry Latte


  • 8 ounces brewed coffee
  • 2 tablespoons half and half
  • 1 tablespoon Lavender Simple Syrup
  • 1 tablespoon Blackberry Simple Syrup


  1. In your coffee maker, brew 8 ounces of strong black coffee
  2. Pour your coffee into your favorite mug
  3. Stir in lavender and blackberry simple syrups. Add more or less depending on your flavor preference. 
  4. Heat your half and half in a microwave-safe jar for one minute and shake it up.
  5. Top your coffee with your milk, stir, and enjoy!

Makes: 1 cup

Test Kitchen Tip: If you prefer espresso to coffee, use your espresso maker to this recipe. Alternate one shot of espresso for the coffee and use 1/2 cup half and half in a milk frother. 

BeveragesQuick and easy

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