Baby Food Spinach and Pear Puree


  • 2 cups baby spinach leaves, stems removed
  • 1 medium pear, peeled and seeded


  1. Pour 2/3 cup water into water reservoir and cover it. Assemble processing bowl and steaming basket. Place spinach in steaming basket and add slicing disc.
  2. Slice pears into steaming basket on top of spinach. Remove lid and slicing disc, then replace lid.
  3. Steam until light turns off.
  4. Remove steaming basket. Reserve steaming liquid from bowl for pureeing. Insert the puree/chopping blade and place spinach and pear in bowl.
  5. Puree, adding enough reserved liquid to reach desired consistency. Cool before serving.
  6. Refrigerate remaining mixture  or freeze in storage containers.

Makes: 1 1/2 cups


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